While doing undercover work in a mental hospital, Emanuelle discovers a girl who seems to have been raised by a tribe of amazonian cannibals. Intrigued, Emanuelle and friends travel deep into the Amazon jungle, where they find that the supposedly extinct tribe of cannibals is still very much alive, and Emanuelle and her party are not welcome visitors.
Movie: Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali
Cast: Laura Gemser, Giuseppe Auci, Pierluigi Cervetti, Massimo Ciprari, Annamaria Clementi, Geoffrey Copleston, Dirce Funari, Percy Hogan, Maria Gabriella Mezzett, Nieves Navarro
Language: English
Genres: Adventure, Horror,
Runtime: 85 min, 87 min (heavily cut), 94 min (uncut) (1980)
Release Date: 21 February 2008 (USA)
mp4 - 854x480 - 93min - 2Gb
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